Bare Metal is a short documentary by Brandon Robert Gries, Ryan Freng, and John Shoemaker. The movie’s length is 10 minutes, and its synopsis makes the one-liner clear to the audience.
Microsoft, Google, META, and AWS are some of the biggest single-power consumers in the world. Along with other digital infrastructure companies’ consumption, they comprise 2.4% of the world’s energy use. This film details the digital infrastructure industry’s work to reduce its carbon footprint in an effort to lower carbon emissions and help save the world.
Bare Metal is a short documentary by Brandon Robert Gries, Ryan Freng, and John Shoemaker. The movie’s length is 10 minutes, and its synopsis makes the one-liner clear to the audience.
We all know that the greatest challenge and danger we face is climate change, and it is very important for everyone to play their part in reducing the speed of climate change, which is affecting our planet badly.
As a filmmaker, Brandon Robert Gries and his team did a wonderful job working on such an issue with tremendous control. The documentary film Bare Metal explains how digital companies are using a big piece of our energy. It rightly conveys the message that consuming energy means the increasing use of carbon that is damaging our planet. The movie successfully highlights the problem of climate change; it shows how big digital companies such as Google, META, Microsoft, Campass Data Center, Apple, and many others consume a large amount of energy. The movie also stresses converting to green energy as soon as possible because a delay could affect us the worst of all times.
Bare Metal is a technically correct documentary; the editing is very good, which keeps the audience connected to the movie. The camera work and shorts selection are spot-on. The scriptwriting is also interesting, and it shows that the team has done good research.
Bare Metal has won the best short documentary category at the Boden International Film Festival.