Expedition Reclamation

Winner > Best Documentary For Climate
Expedition Reclamation weaves together a tapestry of voices from 12 Black, Indigenous, and women of color who are redefining “outdoorsy” and reclaiming belonging in outdoor culture. This story begins with an honest exploration of how BIPOC communities have always been connected to the land, but how through the lasting lineage of colonialism, spaces of outdoor recreation have systematically excluded them. Our first chapter, “Homesick”, sees our characters reckoning with the reality of colonialism breaking ties to the land. Moving into chapter two, “Expedition”, we see our characters rising up to reconnect with the outdoors and with their own roots. In “Reclamation” we revel in the stoke of finding belonging in the outdoors through resilience, healing, and joy. Finally, in “To The Trees,” we hear our characters’ dreams for an inclusive outdoor culture. Emerging from these interwoven experiences is a rallying cry to the outdoor industry: to re-examine our understanding of the history of outdoor spaces, to commit to what inclusion really looks like in practice, and to create a better outdoor culture – one that empowers every individual to reach their fullest potential as humans and stewards of this planet and her people.
Director > Erin Joy Nash, Sanjana Sekhar, Chelsea Murphy
Writer > Erin Joy Nash, Sanjana Sekhar, Karen Francis-McWhite
Producer > Rebekah Graham, Erin Joy Nash, Chelsea Murphy
Key Cast
Chelsea Murphy
Elisa Lopez
Ina Waring-Enriquez
Kaja Ralston
Karen Francis-McWhite
Mary Big Bull-Lewis
Michelle Nitardy
Nicole Martin
Paige Reyes
Sam Ortiz
Samara Almonte
Teizeen Mohamedali
Noami Grevemberg

Director Biography
Erin Joy Nash, Sanjana Sekhar, Chelsea Murphy
The Brave Space Project is a multi-racial, women-led, radically collaborative creative team seeking to decolonize outdoor culture both in front of and behind the lens. Championing traditionally underrepresented voices, their work seeks to amplify character-driven stories that heal our human relationships with each other and with our planet, with a focus on socio-ecological justice, ancestral knowledge, regeneration, and compassionate living.

Erin Joy Nash (producer, co-director, co-DP, co-editor) is a visual storyteller with a background in visual journalism and non-profit work. Erin aspires to bring empathy, brave vulnerability, and intention to every aspect of the storytelling process. She lives in the Pacific Northwest on P’Squosa (Wenatchi) homelands and is the founder of Brave Space Media.

Sanjana Sekhar (co-director, co-DP, co-editor) is an Indian-American filmmaker, climate activist, and outdoor wanderer. As a director, she creates documentaries, music videos, and branded content for clients like The Washington Post Creative Group, SHAZ & KIKS, Girlfriend Collective, and The New Yorker. Sanjana has been featured in Sage Magazine, VH1 India, Rolling Stone India, Tedx Climate AcrosstheAmericas, and the Sakhi Gender Justice Showcase in NYC. She is based in LA on ancestral Tongva land.

Chelsea Murphy (co-producer, co-director) is a nature-loving advocate on a mission to bring diversity to the outdoors. Recognizing the lack of culture and diversity in outdoor recreation, her work promotes the idea of re-creating what it means to be “outdoorsy.” She strives to be a representation both to her daughters and to fellow Black and Brown women, inspiring them to get outdoors with confidence. She uses her voice to normalize conversations around racism and white supremacy, highlighting how both systems still dominate outdoor culture. Chelsea is motivated by motherhood to be a good role model, and her current forms of activism include participating in speaker panels, writing, and social media leadership.

